The names of the insurance companies represented by the producer. Which type of coverage pays an amount per day for hospitalization directly to the insured regardless of the insured's other health insurance? Ifan insurer refuses to pay a claim, how many days must the insured wait to takelegal action against a health insurer after submitting written proof of loss? It would be considered taxable income to the employee. \text{Ratained earnings} & \underline{\hspace{13pt}57,000} & \underline{\hspace{13pt}61,000} \\ Elizabethis the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Continued coverage under COBRA would be providedto all of the following EXCEPT: a. What does the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) OF 1985 allow an employee to do? Unintentionally misrepresented a material fact on the application. For large samples, describe the sampling distribution of, (p^1p^2)\left( \hat { p } _ { 1 } - \hat { p } _ { 2 } \right) Medicare Part A does not pay for medical benefits provided for treatment in a skilled nursing facility beyond. As beneficiary, he will pay ____ taxes on any money withdrawn. B. Recieve a tax credit to help offset the cost of health insurance. We'll bring you back here when you are done. A life insurance policyowner does NOT have the right to, A Guaranteed issue insurance policy has no. What is the purpose of a disability income benefit? The funeral of Wayne Emmerson Wilson leaves Downes and Wilson Funeral Home, Eagle Hall, St.Fax: 540-662-2627. What is the contract called that is issued to an employer for a Group Medical Insurance plan? The benefit can be offered as a rider at a specific extra cost or may be at no cost, All of the following are included as part of a contract in the entire contract provision EXCEPT the. She paid the premium on May 15 with the policy indicating the effective date being May 30. Assist in the underwriting of insurance policies. Whatdoes the word Level in level term describe? C. Protects consumers with guidelines regarding creditreporting and distribution. Ron has a life insurance policy with a face value of $100,000 and a cost of living rider. A type of group that has a constitution and bylaws andhas been organized for purposes other than obtaining insurance is called awhat? When is an existing health insurance policy required to provide coverage for a new born child? Which of the Uniform Optional Provisions covers this situation? What amount will be paid under a policy where the insured misstated his/her age? \\ Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Actively solicits increases in limits and/or coverages or rounding out accounts through sales to clients at every service contact. Bob and Tom start a business. The producer decides not to respond. Which of the following statements is TRUE? All Medicare Supplement policies MUST contain which provision? Donnaand Mary were racing bicycles in a store parking lot while being cheered on by fellowemployees. 59 and owned account for a minimum of 10 years, B. Joanne has a $100,000 whole life policy with an accumulated $25,000 of cash value. Allof these are considered key factor in underwriting life insurance EXCEPT, Anapplicant intentionally lying to an insurance company on an application inorder to obtain a cheaper premium is an example of. In event of acontroversy between the insured and the company, the producer is considered to representthe. The death benefit paid will be what the premium would have purchased at the correct age. Which scenario would most life insurance policies exclude coverage for? How often must an insurance producer's license in Maryland be renewed? how many javan rhinos are left 2022; aquifer tim winton prezi; bloody mary lady gaga roblox id; . One or morediagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance or personalcare services in a setting other than an acute care unit of a hospital. Healthinsurance will typically cover which of the following perils? The taxable portion of each annuity payment is calculated using which method? Which of the following is the likely result? In the event of a controversy between the insured and the company, the producer is considered to represent the, A life policy loan in Maryland cannot charge a fixed rate of interest higher than, The Food and Drug Administration approves prescription drugs for treatment as stated on the drug's labeling. A. The Federal Employees Benefit Program consists of two types of health plans for federal civilian employees. They are both involved in an automobile accident where Pat dies instantly and Karen dies 5 days later Key Person Disability Insurance pays benefits to the. Sonya applied for a health insurance policy on April 1. A silver level medical plan is what percent the insurance company pays for the employee and the other percent is what the employee pays out of pocket (Unders Insurance companies look at a number of factors when it comes to setting premiums for a particular company. Claims for a Long-Term Care policy MUST be paid for which of the following conditions? How long must a life insurance policy be in effect before the policyowner may use the nonforfeiture provision? An individual life insurance policy can be contested by the insurer only during the first _________ years of the contract, An order issued by the commissioner that prohibits a specific practice listed in the order is called a. The waiting period for a disability insurance policy, Excludes payments for a short term illness or injury. Maria would like an annuity that provides a guaranteed accumulation or payout. Which of the following describes a person who is NOT acceptable by an insurer at standard rates because of health history, occupation, or hobbies? If the company debited Accounts Receivable and credited Sales for $600,000 during the year, what is the total amount of credits recorded in Accounts Receivable during the year? The face amount will remain constant and thepremium will increase over the 10-year period, C. The Premium will remain constant and the faceamount will increase over the 10-year period. Which of the following is the likely result? Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Comparing Health Insurance Rates And Suppliers. Which of the following does Medicare Part D cover? What happens to interest earned if the annuitant dies before the payout start date? Contact; a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephonepossum playing dead in the yard. Both partners are still married at the time of Bob's death. Which type of life insurance policy is this? Lower than the typical whole life policy duringthe first few years and then higher than typical for the remainder. Since each partner contributes an important element to the success of the business, they decide to take life insurance policies out on each other, and name each other as beneficiaries. Under this plan a, Adoption of a child (an uninsured, eligible employee who acquires a new dependent through marriage, birth, or adoption may qualify for special enrollment in a small employer's health benefit plan). Which of these statements about Medicaid iscorrect? D. Willfullycollecting a premium that exceeds the amount of the actual premium. Which of the following does Coordination of Benefits allow? His policy may be reinstated at any time within _____ years. All of these are responsibilities of the Commissioner EXCEPT, policy must be issued to XYZ, and a certificate must be issued to each employee, XYZ Corp was issued a group health policy for its employees. The face amount and the premium will remain constant over the 10-year period. Any decrease in income resulting from this injury would make him eligible for benefits under which provision? A producer has committed an insurance crime that violates US Code 1033 (interstate commerce). How much does Medicare Part B pay forphysician fees? Failingto promptly provide a reasonable explanation for the denial of a claim isconsidered to be a (n). The replacing policy may only impose a ____ month time exclusion for pre-existing conditions, forward premiums to the insurer on a timely basis, When collecting insurance premiums from a client, a producer MUST, Once a health insurance policy has been in force for _______ years, the policy may NOT be contested by the insurer, cancelling a term life policy to buy a whole life policy, All of these types of benefits may be covered by a nonprofit health service plan EXCEPT, have it's content approved by the commissioner. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. B. Guaranteedlifetime withdrawal benefit, D. Guaranteedminimum accumulation benefit. Whoassumes the investment risk with a fixed annuity contract? What does the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 allow an employee to do ? The law that established insurance transactions regulated by the states is called. The prescription of a drug for treatments other than what's labeled is known as _____ use, Coverage for newborns under a health plan MUST include coverage for. 14 day waiting period / 10 year benefit period. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone Call us (+254) 722 22 99 44 Email Our Laboratories Nairobi & Mombasa fort worth murders 1990s Home Services a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone Micro-Biology Services Agri - Services Instrumentation Division Environment Division How long is her grace period? a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone 12. A producer is meeting with a client to determine whether an annuity would be suitable for purchase. visas, binomial trials. What happens to the coverage under a children's term rider when that child reaches a certain specified age? A policy owner may exercise which of these dividend options that uses the dividend to pay all or part of the next premium due? Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the Accelerated Death Benefit option? A _______ negotiates an insurance contract on behalf of an insurer, The Entire Contract provision states that an entire contract consists of the actual policy and the, the last day of the licensee's birth month (every two years), A producer's renewal date for his/her resident insurance license is on or before. This MANDATORY health policy provision states that the policy, including endorsements and attached papers, constitutes, The entire insurance contract between the parties, All of the following are elements of an insurance policy EXCEPT. pain between 4th and 5th metatarsal. If he files an application for renewal before the expiration date, his license will, A Medicare Supplement policy can be cancelled by the insurer for, Recording the receipt and distribution of premiums due to an insurer is considered a producer's _________ responsibility. Maria is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) subscriber and received care from an out-of-network provider. Whichphase is this annuity in? An insurance producer who convinces a prospective insured to purchase a policy by exaggerating the benefits of the policy may be found guilty of, An ____ _____ sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance contracts for compensation, All of these activities require an individual to hold a producer's license EXCEPT, Jim recently sold his whole life insurance policy under a viatical settlement contract. Theprescription of a drug for treatments other than whats labeled is known as(Blank) use. Which dividend option would an insurer invest the policyowner's money and add any interest earnings as the dividends accrue? d. Individual disability income insurance premiums. This rider is called a(n). It is administrated by the federal government, C. It is funded by federal, state, and local taxes. A long-term care policy typically provides all of the following levels of care EXCEPT, A life insurance policy that has premiums fully paid up within a stated time period is called, A securities license is required for a life insurance producer to sell, In contrast to a guaranteed renewable policy, a noncancellable policy. by geriford27, Without a Section 125 Plan in place, what would happen to an employee's payroll contribution to an HSA? When initial premium is collected and policy is issued. A beneficiary has just received a claim payment for a life insurance policy. CashandcashequivalentsAccountsreceivableInventoryTotalcurrentassetsProperty,plant,andequipmentLessaccumulateddepreciationNetproperty,plant,andequipmentTotalassetsAccountspayableIncometaxespayableBondspayableCommonstockRatainedearningsTotalliabilitiesandstockholdersequityEndingBalance$48,00041,00055,000144,000150,00050,000100,000$244,000$32,00025,00060,00070,00057,000$244,000BeginningBalance$57,00044,00050,000151,000140,00035,000105,000$256,000$57,00028,00050,00060,00061,000$256,000. Which of these is NOT subject to income taxation under a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)? Who is required to notify the producer in the event of appointment termination? Which of the following is NOT a federal requirement of a qualified plan? Who is eligible for insurance under a group policy issued to a labor union? The commissioner must examine the financial affairs of each admitted insurer operating in Maryland at least once every how many years? \text{Net property, plant, and equipment} & \underline{\hspace{8pt}100,000} & \underline{\hspace{8pt}105,000} \\ Where would policy proceeds be paid if both the insured and primary beneficiary were killed in the same accident? The ____of coverage describes policy features, benefits, exclusions and riders in a long-term care policy. Collecting a chargefor insurance that is less than the charge applicable to that insurance. Which of the following is NOT part of an insurance contract? Whichof these is considered to be a document that describes the critical segments ofa life insurance policy? When is an existing health insurance policy required to provide coverage for a newborn child, a producer who shares commissions with a client. A. Whichof the following is a requirement for ANY change in an insurance application? A. A producer may be disciplined by the Commissioner for which of the following actions?
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