Thank you again for your prayer. When it seems there is no way out Lord, you are the only way. Amen. Yes Lord my wife and I have came to an end. I would like to thank you so very much for your wonderful service! Please, Lord, could you bless me with the answer soon? I know I do not ask in vain. It has given us so much comfort. May his will be done in your life in the name of Jesus. I want God to settle the case this year and reward me accordingly. It was so much better than what I could have ever hoped and prayed for. We may focus on praying for family and friends, or on our own personal growth or needs. As I wait for this miracle to happen, please enable me. Faith to Move Mountains PrayerLord God, Name above all names, your power is unlimited and your strength has no end. It has given us so much comfort. Your email address will not be published. Are you in need of a breakthrough in your job search? My father my lord creator I know I made a mistake on The 31st of January 2023. Perform miracles in my life Lord to display your power and glory. I promise to serve you and your people through out the rest of my life. Please have mercy on us. We will not be crushed by these dire circumstances. What we need to do is to take our impatience, our longing for blessing, our desire to support loved ones, and our hurt from the workplace and put it at the feet of the only One who is in controlJesus, our sovereign Savior and King. I pray for your guidance and wisdom as I begin this new role, and for the strength and courage to handle any challenges that may come my way. Amen. Furthermore, when we ask with great sincerity and feelings of humility, the Father always responds to our call. Amen. I am out of work, and my finances are in a lot of trouble. Most Popular Psalms I pray that through this new job, I may bring glory to your name and be a blessing to those around me. Prayer When Applying, Seeking Employment. Hes so lost and hopeless. Have I not commanded you? You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would bless my son this day as he focuses on his job. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for giving us the opportunity to have our prayers read at the most holiest place. It was a lifestyle I enjoyed for the first three months, having just resigned from a stressful job which had torn my confidence into shreds. Amen. Here is one example of a prayer to Saint Joseph for those seeking employment or getting a job. I know that all things are possible through you and I know that you will always lead me down a path that benefits me the most. Prayer Points. The gospel is the power to change people (see Ro 1:16), and when people see Christ more clearly, they are empowered to live and act as God intended. Treat him with love and tenderness, the world outside here is rough. 7 Prayers for WorkPrayer for SuccessPrayers to Open Meetings and EventsPrayer for Those Seeking God's Calling on Their Lives5 Prayers for GuidancePrayer to Follow God's CallingHow to Pray for Your WorkPrayer for God's PresencePrayer for StrengthIntercessory PrayerPrayer for Peace. Give him clear thinking. Its important that we are conscious of God at work in our lives daily. Amen. I must give you my testimony of miracles after requesting prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Money-Back Guarantee, 10% discount of the total is successfully applied. I will appreciate if you can make it happen. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.. Download Miracle Prayer Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. GOD, please remove me from this toxic environment. Heavenly Father, I am unemployed at the moment and i pray that you help me get a job. Dearest Jesus, help me, please. God, nothing is impossible with you. Hes no homeless, Lord, hes my angel, your son. You restored sight to the blind and made the deaf hear. SHE WENT WITH MY TWO KIDS. You gave yourself completely to the Savior,it was cause for joy to pray, to work, to sacrifice yourself, to suffer, to die for him. You are familiar with each thought and desire. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Please help me to lean not on my own understanding but, to be still and know that you are God and all good things come from you Lord. Amen. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I am grateful for your provision and for the chance to use my gifts and talents to serve you and others. At your name, every knee will bow and every tongue confesses that you are Lord. 3. I pray for wisdom and discernment as I consider different job options and make decisions about my career. I ask for your good favor, dear God. You are the God of the impossible. May God bless you all. God Bless. Expiration Date . Then there were times I would prepare for interviews, only to be told, We have decided to go with the other candidate . Fill me with faith that you can answer. Amen! Grant me the aptitude to instantly perceive the source of all . I would like to thank you so very much for your wonderful service! Amen. Required fields are marked *. Contact Us Miracle power testifies that God's touch is always a heartbeat away. When you have a rough day at work and you just dont understand how your co-worker or boss could have said something so rude to you, when you feel like you put your best in but you keep getting corrected, and when you did everything that you were asked but the company let you goremember the gospel. you know my capabilities, my strengths, and my struggles, you always answer my prayers (I thank You) and i still believe that you will this prayer too, in the Mighty of Jesus. As I apply for job interviews, I pray that they would be received favourably, and you would bless those who read my applications. What Bible translation do you currently read or use most often? Im in a senior citizen apt and live in a different state. Please, I beg youplease help. Father, You know about the promotion that I am looking to receive. Greed takes people hostage and clouds their minds. You know my needs and desires. Praise and thanks be to God!! I was amazed when I saw the video of the candle that was lit on my behalf at the Holy Sepulcher complete with my prayer request to JESUS! Add Video of Your Personal Photo Please open doors for me and guide me to the opportunities that you have for me. They have started to ruin my life. All thanks and glory to God. But lord please perform a miracle in my life and let my one mistake go away and I promise to be a better person in my upcoming life. Please please pray over my twins. Dear God, I come to you today seeking your guidance and help in my job search. Amen. Lord, I humbly come before you to askthat You would do a miracle in me. Heavenly father please have mercy on this young man that was full of life. In your holy name, I pray. Deliver him from all the addictions of Marijuana and anxiety so he can once again smile and lead a healthy life. I trust you, Lord-- my life is in your hands. Intervene in my situation. Its s very toxic place. I am blessed when I come and when I go, and I know that I am above only and not beneath. Thank you for everything you done and will do for me. Perhaps you are in similar situation. Its important that you command the spirit of confidence and trust in Gods power as you walk into that next interview: Our Heavenly Father gives us the courage to face any fear, doubt or uncertainty in the power we have been given to accomplish great things. For example, the patroness of architects is Saint Barbara, or Saint Anthony is the patron of butchers. Ive been trying for months to find new employment, while still working here. We have been struggling financially since we lost my husband last year. Please welcome your son home with love and open arms. Give me the strength to follow you. Membership Amen. Im praying that you will help me find a great paying job within 3 days. Lord, I come to you today with hope and anticipation as I wait to hear about this job opportunity. Lord Jesus i need a financial miracle in my life. With all my love with my heart I feel confident you will grant this special intention. Home We are seated with you in heavenly places and looking down at this with you and declaring your authority over these things. Lord, I come to you today feeling anxious and uncertain about my future. Your Email Address(will not be published)* Expecting more to come!!! Norma Amen! I realize the benefit of being persecuted for believing in Jesus, and I gladly accept whatever comes my way, anytime. I ask You for wealth, not for my gain, but that I may use it to bless others. The Word of God tells me that You are the same. Praise God Almighty!My prayers were answered.I suffered hemorrhoids for a month.I prayed very hard and send my petitions to Holy Land Prayer. Price: You are the God of endurance and encouragement. THE PSALM FOR PROTECTION MOST POWERFUL PSALMS. Filled with images of Saint Joseph shown in detail from an Italian holy card, Saint Joseph is known as the worker who is commonly looked to for job getting. Pour out Miracle Blessings PrayerGod and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be you, for you have blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Help me to live in harmony with you, that my life may glorify Jesus Christ. Thank you so much! We thank you for fighting our battles for us and contending with those who contend with us. I WANT HER BACK AND THE KIDS. Scott Most Powerful Prayer for a Miracle. At your name, creation sings with joy. Power and anointing to get the ??? In the light of God you can see what misses me, you know my worries, my difficulties, my sorrow. I waited for what seemed like eternity before I was offered my current job. Precious Lord, please be with me and work miracle today in finding new employment. Thank-you so much. About Us Im pushing for a miracle to happen, and I know I need you to make it happen for me. Kindly prayer for me to be healed from an autoimmune disease & pains in my body, Lord Jesus , I ask for the major financial breakthrough and supernatural debt cancellation ,may it happen in the month of April suddenly ,May you reveal your glory in me through good works and the fulfilment of your purpose through manifestation of Christ in my life .May the Father command this financial breakthrough and May the Holy Spirit create it through the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that through this process, I may honor you with my work and be a blessing to those around me. Add Video of Your Candle It may be age discrimination or bad credit history. I know this is a lot to ask, but Ive been searching for a long time, and its not looking promising. Check out our new eBook on how you can get a job! Zay. Prayer Video service includes: I love them dearly already and only 13 weeks atm my heart longs to have them earth side. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6, Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10, Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. I will keep planting seeds, Lord. Weekly Psalms sent directly to your Inbox! Please also bless my colleagues and supervisors, and help me to build positive and productive relationships with them. Amen. Your will be done as it is in heaven. Sometimes you just want to quit and do something else. But anyone who has been on the job hunt for a long time knows that its easy to lose your confidence in the face of rejection. I pray for your wisdom and discernment as I consider different job options and make decisions about my career. I trust in James as it says, Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. (James 1:2). God Bless you all for doing what you do! Help me find a job quickly that meets my financial needs and has a long and stable future. Mailing Address Full Name* Full Mailing Address* I know that you are the one who provides for all of my needs and I trust in your goodness and faithfulness. I HAVE ALREADY FORGIVEN HER OF WHAT SHE DID. An easy way to start your day with prayer; read todays prayer and sign up to receive it by email. Give Power to the Faint PrayerAlmighty Father, help me realize the exceeding greatness of your empowerment for me in my weakness. Truly, the God of Israel is faithful to his promise that I am the God that health thee. He is in a self induced coma the dr says he will not wake. I cant see a way out, please show me the way. I know that you have a plan for my life and I trust that you will lead me to the right opportunity at the right time. Dear Lord, please hear my prayers. Yet God has promised us that He will look after us, and that He has our future in His hands. He knows above all what is best for you and for your life. I know you can do the impossible. Please lead me to the right employer and put the right words in my mouth that I might secure a good job. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with new companies and potential employers, and go on interviews, give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Pastor Bevere spoke on the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), which talks about a group of servants who are entrusted with talents to look after while their master is away. But I know God answers prayers at His appointed time. Amen. Remember that Jesus died so that you could have life, remember that Jesus said this life would be challenging, and remember that Jesus said he would never leave you. They have jobs but no one will lease to them because of an eviction 5 years ago. And he wants us to realize that prayer can change even our circumstances at work." Thank you for trusting in me Lord, as I trust in You. A portion of every order will be donated to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
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