Bernadette was obsessed with her, a friend of ours, she thought Bernadette was guiltyall along. Dont care how mean Kirsten was, that was uncalled for, you that defend Bernadette saying Kirsten was mean girl, do you realize Kirsten is gone forever, and will never be back, do you realize Bernadette took a Life! So Mats Bernadette was Sweet. So Kirsten should have been perfectly okay with the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house alone and then drove her to an empty car-park and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for her? Costas, a Miramonte cheerleader, was murdered by fellow student Bernadette Protti in June of 1984. People looked up to her to.. The Principal though highly of her. But I do agree in the movie Bernadette seemed dressed down the night of the murder and if she was really going to a popular party, bringing Kirsten and wanting to be seen as more popular, then she would have been dressed nicer. I disagree with you. Bernadette Protti was released on parole in 1992, having served almost 8 years of her sentence. She had a circle of friends, Kirsten was more popular though. Worry about this Virus that is killing people Worldwide. I hear her husband knew all along about her. I read alot om her to. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. No, there is good and bad in every person, just the people are guilty for not seeing the reasons that cause that kind of things. Bernadette then appears to have confessed her feelings of admiration for Kirsten in the empty car-park at night. The day after the arrest, the sheriff called a well-attended press conference. "I was afraid she was going to tell people I was weird," Protti told the police on another occasion. You Mats that knows Kirsten, why was she so Mean? Put God first. She is still Crazy as always. Nope! I guess we all cant like everyone. So glad you think shes nice. Everyone knew the killer had been apprehended, but no one knew who it was. Seeing this, Alex offered to drive Kirsten home. with this Virus going around. I never seen her bully. When this plan is upended, it fuels her jealousy and results in murder. Seriously, whats wrong with you? As I wrote in another comment to you, If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? This is the true story Death of a Cheerleader is based on. It doesnt matter why and there are no excuses to take another persons life unless its to protect your own or your families . She is a Sociopath. Her BFF I think is also real sick, shes down to nothing. But Miramonte was what you made of it, I wasnt Popular, but I got along esp, with Kirsten and her group. Teen girls are all like Kirsten was described, dont see how she was worse than any other teen girl around. For what? A 16-year-old girl was convicted Wednesday of second-degree murder in the stabbing death of a classmate she feared was about to tell schoolmates that she was "weird.". A sane or fragile person would not have been able to endure being confronted with so much pain that they were responsible for, yet Bernadette could and did. It was all over popularity, and fitting in. It was to Personal. She didnt care wheather her mom or dad suffered, she just would not subject herself to something like suicide because she loves herself more then anyone else. Me! (Lucky you). Meanwhile, deputies continued to hunt for a chunky, stringy-haired teenage girl suspected in the slaying of 15-year-old Kirsten Costas, a well-liked cheerleader and swim team member at Miramonte High School in Orinda. Theyre not looking forward to seeing her. that HS was a tough place especially for girls. Most teen girls are smart alecky and mean. Kirsten had a good heart though. Bernie has a sweet melancholy. You dont know whether or not Kirsten had to go without anything. Bernadette was and most likely still is a highly disturbed individual. Same for Bernadette, but she had to make this choice that will change her life. She was convicted in 1985 and sentenced to nine years, on a charge of second-degree murder. She was just into herself more than a being a bully. Every School has kids people dont like! Oh Im sure they so love having thier names and business displayed for the World to see. They told about the girls ran out of School. You get on here and write comments all day long, repeating yourself over and over and over again. The movie hinted at Bernadette being gay but only a hint. A label she will never ever get rid of, no matter how nice she becomes. I never imagined she would literally kill Kirsten, cause Bernadette was so quiet and her demeanor said nothing about her being a killer at all. This Mats person youre either Bernadette, or sister, or a very good friend. Bernadette went to school. I read a lot of these Articles,and her BFF said the exact same thing on one interview. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. Lisa Thorner: 5 interesting facts about Damon Wayans' ex-wife. She was friends with my sister, came around our house a few times. We all had enemies and faults and all teen girls are Caddy and mean at some point, no reason to die, they outgrow it in adulthood, most do anyways, some never do. Word around town was that K was stabbed 18 times. You know whats really sad? Did you know the other 2 girls that were accused? Who are you to tell the judge what to say or do at that time? Its best not to post comments at all on Bernadette anymore. I also noticed, in both movies, Bridget/Angela kept staring at Kelly/Stacy. Whoever wrote this article is not being honest. So she was a Bully, she is not here to defend herself any longer, so youre the Bully now. Later, she would throw her T-shirt and sweatpants in the garbage dump of the Sleepy Hollow Swim Club. Thier homecoming Queen was friendly and always spoke to people. Your point is irrelevant and has absolutely nothing to do with the case. Killing her just because you were jealous? Looking at the pictures, it is shocking to see that Kirsten Costas is the face of an innocent little girl. You never give examples of what Kirsten did. The boys at Miramonte liked Bernadettes childhood friend and Kirsten, none were interested in Bernadette. You named all of Kirstens friends. What is wrong with you? Snobs like Kristen who think they are better than everyone, put others down, and degrade them because of their class status are the reason shootings like Columbine took place. Bernadette Protti shocked the nation and her locality when she confessed to the brutal murder by stabbing her schoolmate, Kirsten Costas. I was born with common sense. You are right, (Kirsten didnt really bully Bernadette) around a friend she would throw ice at Bernadette, and tease her to show off in front of thier friend, (but girls will be girls). So think before you get that angry cause there is no turning back from it. Lemme tell all of you a little something because I lived and breathed the entire lifestyle of growing up in orinda and knew both Bernadette and kirsten. The rest of you can lurk around and limp your hunchback selves to therapy. Educate yourself about this case, you simple minded degenerate. You claim you know Kirsten, are you the one who told about the Bullied Girls who were ran out and Demonized. Why are you victim shaming ? No one really cares why. They were weird and odd mostly, I didnt like them myself. I still have nightmares of many girlfriends ignoring me, making fun of me and being just vicious. I see why her Sisters and mom forgive her, theyre her family and family sticks by you. John even if Kirsten was as mean as Tori Spelling (which BTW she wasnt) that is still no right to Murder her. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? Her mom and brother had traveled to Los Angeles to escape the smoke from the Camp Fire. Kristen was adorable. She should of told the truth and met Kirsten at the house and talked there with her parents present. I dont think they meant any harm at all, and as for the prank calls, they were probaly only fooling around, Nancy would take it all wrong, and say things back thinking it was a personal attack my standpoint. (The misfits) we really didnt see them as Misfits. "She was beautiful inside and out, with an amazing personality that will live on forever," said one classmate. Rene was a lovely girl too who suffered not having opened the door for Kirsten because she was young and scared and didnt know what was going on, or who was at the door. Especially someone who not only blames the murder victim for her brutal murder, but also blames her innocent parents? She was jealous of Kirsten and wanted to be everything Kirsten was, but could nt so she killed her. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. I was in the artsy and nerd group to. . I didnt get into the club I wanted to. Shes older also. According to the letter, she was able to live with it but couldn't ignore it. We had lonely girls who were bullied and goth girls and loose girls. She reminds me of Stacey Dash a little. Im sure at Reunions they are. Those movies arent for real! So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. However, she got a job in the student office alongside Kirsten, which resulted in the popular girl asking Bernadette to do her different favours. None of those Orinda kids are even around from that time frame, as some of them are dead. She is In her 50 s now, thats if shes alive. I think Bernadette was a lesbian thats why she felt she couldnt have Kirsten tell everyone that she fancied her. Kirsten was Snooty as well, so were the Stacys and the other Kirstens that ran with them. You have no one to blame but yourselves for being unnattractive, fat, disliked, broke loserswhatever your issues are. Honestly teens do deserve another chance at something eventually. She wasnt a fan of stupidity or annoyance, or someone rubbed her the wrong way, she let them know. Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car park at night and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for Kirsten. Goofs If Stacy Lockwood's funeral was Catholic, it would be unlikely the priest would wear a green stole and the casket covered in purple. Wow all this bantering back and forth how sad. I think Kirsten probably threatened to tell everybody their bizarre conversation in the car that night. She was committed to the California Youth Authority. Youre talking about Tori Spelling in a movie being a minor bully not Kirsten whom you know next to nothing about. Kirsten in no way deserved to die. Firstly, Bernadette failed to get in the coveted cheerleading team, and secondly, she did not make it to the yearbook staff. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Well one mother of her friend on a blog told Kirsten was Exclusive and liked everyone. Smoking and cussing that is mostly the ones that were disliked. I know a person who knew her, she was a snob, so to speak, but she didnt deserve to die. Kirsten was SelfAbsorbed not mean and bullish. Who killed Stacey in Death Of A Cheerleader? The senior class officers are President Haley Moltyaner and Treasurer. She was described as a nurturer in an episode of Killer Kids. Art and Berit were Wonderful people. Cant see her making fun of anyone. She was sentenced to a maximum of nine years in a juvenile prison in April 1985. And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. There have been several changes in Orinda since Bernadette's arrest. Shame on you calling a dead girl names. I was even accused of being (Stuck up) We were all just Misunderstood. If Kirsten was mercilessly cruel to Bernadette, it would have been brought up at Bernadettes trial which would have strengthened her case, but it wasnt brought up because it didnt happen. She had taken Kirsten out in her car, where the latter felt that Bernadette had gone weird. I cant believe they made a movie that was so offensive to the real victim. Next to Orinda. from what I have read on different blogs from kids that actually went to school with both these girls they have said that this movie did not accurately portray either one of the girls and thats very frustrating for people who watch the movie and find themselves empathizing with the wrong person. You obviously are very contradicting since from gathering what the Hollywood movie has told you if Kirsten was truly a witch, then, Bernadette was a bigger idiot since she wanted to befriend such a person to begin with. She wasnt into that game. I wasnt Popular and Kirsten liked me and was nice to me. It was on the Murder still haunts Moraga Residents. Those girls wouldnt allow you in their groups in classes, they would exclude you as an earlier article stood. I mean, we dont have a lot of money and we cant afford a lot of nice ski stuff and I just had this really crummy pair of skis and some boots, but, you know, I was having fun anyway. The murder of her daughter, Berit says, was premeditated from the moment of the phone call. Shame on you. Joe she must of liked your Sister. Both girls attended Miramonte High School in Orinda, California. Wish someone would come back on here and tell us more about it. Berns home on La Espiral was Larger and more Expensive. The news flew through the town. I think the outcast girls there would say Kirsten was a (bully) chaise no one liked them, and they would say that. Yes, the movie showed Kirstan being extremely mean. I dont think she intended to kill Kirsten, I believe she was desperate for a friendship and pushed to hard at it, and when she realized she made a fool out of herself, to became to much for her to handle and she did the (unthinkable). To much at stake in the World than to be worrying about something that happened decades ago. Read about the real story instead of talking crap. How tragic she was murdered over basically nothing. lol Dylans mother saying We werent rich. Not to mention all over the world. Well 1st off Kirstens home on Orchard Rd was nice, but no Mansion like the Movie portrays a nice Ranchstyle home. Its sad, but when all is said and done its not worth it. So she could never uplift Bernadette at all. I still cant help from thinking that, but largely I think B killed K because K was blocking B from her rise in popularity. She only had Certain friends. As Kirsten headed towards her house from Alex's car, she spotted Bernadette on the street and headed towards her. Kirsten and she sort of got along, and,( sort of didnt).
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