Its building and rising to the surface and you cant ignore it. Do you want to know how to piece together revelation so you can walk it out? - Writing out the blueprint of this new wineskin. At first it feels like mess coming to the surface but its actually the justice and deliverance of the Lord coming to wipe your slate clean for the new day dawning. In darkness they do their works and say, Who sees us, and who will know? Isaiah 29:15. Every time Im on the precipice of change I notice that suddenly I am inundated with options and diversions to the pure call and path Ive been given. What do you need to let go of? Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful Hebrews 10:23. God is taking the keys of legacy the enemy has stolen from you and is placing them back in your hands right now. When Dr. Brown defends them by claiming they love Jesus he cannot see that the jesus they love is false. A place where no one is outcasted and where healing oil is always flowing. When all of the wannabe prophets pack up their revival tents and move onto the next tragedy. 59.3K followers. Have you felt like your dreams have stopped or changed in the last few years? To read the rest of this go to the link on my bio.. He wants you to retaliate and lose your peace. TEXAS THIS IS YOUR HOUR OF MAGNIFICATION & AMPLIFICATION! Since I know few will say it, I must. It could become easy to develop a backup plan just in case we need it , but I feel strongly the Lord saying, "Don't! In this new wine season I believe God is raising up the church as a prophetic company to lead the way forward into her best days and most effective days. TEXAS THIS IS YOUR HOUR OF MAGNIFICATION & AMPLIFICATION! It is the same sin of Lucifer. Treason! Every time Im on the precipice of change I notice that suddenly I am inundated with options and diversions to the pure call and path Ive been given. The location of this palm tree between Ramah and Bethel means 'heights of the House of God.' If you have confronted and shut down a Jezebel assignment recently look out for the children of Jezebel that come at you in retaliationwhich is what is happening right now. As a worship leader at Bethel, Kalley has been wrongly taught that she is prophetic by nature. Deborah responds to the oppression of Jabin and Sisera and summons Barak. Be alert and of sober mind. Also, check your alignments right now. Website crashing 10 times a day. I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth! "This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. The places where the door is open and never shut. This is not Christianity. Proclaim my Word loud for all to hear and it will re-establish your territory over those demon-ideologies they cannot and will not prevail against you.. We must deal with the things that are no longer working and crumbling around us and rebuild according to the word not according to popular Christian culture. And David said to his servants, Is the child dead? They said, He is dead. Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. Link in bio. So to those who this is for let me add one last thing - Stand and watch the deliverance of the Lord. I had a conversation with a friend in 2020 and we were talking about what makes believers fall, backslide, or compromise and then it came out of my mouth Its when we lose our wonder and adventure in our relationship with God When we lose the raw heart connection, intimacy, and wild pursuit of Him it leads us into a life of Christian activity and busyness all the while running from the growing dissatisfaction and longing for what were created for. Hope this gives so more language and confirmation for this season. This miraculous feat was done by God through the prophets and Apostles (there are ten reported cases in the Bible, other than Jesus). In a few days I am dropping a HUGE word even giving some timelines I have praying into for over 6 months. The last few days have been incredibly sad for a young family who are part of Bethel Reddings music ministry with the announcement that their two year old daughter was pronounced dead after ceasing to breathe. Olive died four days ago. This is a time when God's going to deal with the wrong alignmentsthe wolves and the lionsthat have been waiting and crushing you at every point. Demonic dreams and no sleep. Prophesy! God is taking the keys of legacy the enemy has stolen from you and is placing them back in your hands right now. The Lord is wanting us to take care of the areasthe access pointswhere the enemy is constantly getting to us and keeping us tethered to the past season. "Ok Lord, I lay it all down. Join us for season 3 starting in just over one week! Find it hard to discern what God is speaking and saying to you? Its coming. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia. When you come across a Jezebel, watch for and discern who are her "Athaliahs". To our friends and family all around the world, we are thankful for each and everyone of you. Join us in 2 weeks as we begin! I do not know who Christy Johnson is but she declares she is a prophetic revivalist and has now decreed that Olive means evergreen and evergreen means life in every season and therefore the two-year-old must come back to life? And lastly, she uses endless harassment, intimidation, false accusations, and character assassination, as her tools to get you to submit to her and give up. It tries to war against anything that is pure and it hates you entering into the secret place and getting your peace It wants to assassinate your seeddreams and promisesthat God has placed inside you. He gave me the most humbling advice not to repeat some of his mistakes, and was a man who had been through some tough years that God was doing a new thing in and through. He can see that while he thought you were out of the game God was rewiring you and preparing you for the next chapter and he is throwing all he can to get you to cave in to the noise, fear, and pandemonium. It is a mantle of courage and boldness to stand fiercely against the enemy and stand guard over your family. King Jesus did not pay for the resurrection of our loved ones in this life. But as we were walking through the deep ravines of rock, out of nowhere He spoke In a time of fear and propaganda from the enemy trying to block my voice, those who seek me will find me Jehoiada and his sons brought out the kings son and put the crown on him; they presented him with a copy of the covenant and proclaimed him king. Rather than doing warfare outside of the secret place, she invited her enemy into her territory as though luring a predator up to the heights, knowing that only she can withstand them. Satan has overplayed his hand he has targeted our wombs and the fruit of our wombs, so God is raising up his daughters - and the offspring of our wombs - as WEAPONS and antidotes to the enemies strategies. I want you to be all in on what I'm doing." Your directions and your will, I heard Him say. Many have come from years of serving and being part of church communities but they have been severely broken by mans institution that has crept into the Church. With love, Nate, Christy, Charlotte, Sophie, & Ava xxx, God is doing some cleaning up right now and bringing closure for so many who have been dealing with situations that have been hanging over their heads and people who have been mercilessly attacking. We believe in a Jesus who died and conclusively defeated every grave, holding the keys to resurrection power. People ask me all the time what to do in crisis and chaos, news of potential famine, and instability, and every time I get my head out of the headlines and info the presence I hear the same thing MOVE FORWARDOCCUPY DONT SHUT DOWN! Then one night Christy and the girls went to bed I laid down on the lounge room floor and just bared my heart before the Lord. Undergrad Undergraduate Student Life Contact Us Meet Our Team. Link to the full word in my bio. I can feel the ground shaking as they march together in unison, sending shockwaves into the enemy's camp for they come to retrieve their territory. Its time to be a family and set the table for others, to become the true family of God that the world so desperately needs. Repost that really spoke to me today. Nate & Christy Johnston So if God told you and called you, dont roll over now just because the opposition looks menacing and unbeatable. Does it feel like your hearing is dulled or blocked? So if God told you and called you, dont roll over now just because the opposition looks menacing and unbeatable. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. It may even be insulting to pagans to call this paganism. Im tired of seeing people stuck in pews when they could be on the frontlines of this new thing God is doing. Who else has faced the sudden swarm this week? Link in bio, To those who are pioneering healthy after many broken generations.. It is an army of Gods daughters, coming to claim their inheritance. So Davids I know you feel this in your spirit right now. God is building you and getting you ready to build what you never imagined you would be called to. Bethel worship leader and songwriter Kalley Heiligenthal asked for urgent prayer yesterday after doctors pronounced her daughter dead. We see a world where God's sons and daughters are awakened to the truth of who they are in Christ establishing the Kingdom of heaven here on the earth. Watchers: In addition to information seekers we need to be careful who has access to us. They pretend our words create as the spoken word of God does. How then can we say to him the child is dead? Devastated to hear today that my friend @jeffjansen passed away. Its time for her to come to life. Charisma News. Jennifer Royer, SPJ Director of Communications and Marketing, 317-361-4134, LINK IN BIO. The parents of little Olive have been taught so poorly. But these access points have been vital areas of hearts that when compromised it has caused many to turn and walk away, or to settle for an inferior and counterfeit path. It also destroys some popular false Bethel teachings. Then shut those doors! Let this be a season where the Spirit of Holiness comes upon you and leads you on the path of the redeemed. God is releasing a zeal over His people right now like Jesus had, its not a zeal to tear down the church but to build her. I was walking out some heavy baggage from my childhood and worried that I was going to bring lots of pain and trauma into my marriage, but worst of all, continue in the bad examples I had seen of marriage. They are moving with the courageous mantle of Deborah to tear war off this spirit. He wants you to look to the right and left and lose sight of Jesus in this crucial moment. Join us! Family members telling us to give up because it wasnt God. You see, instead of dealing with the normal stages of grief, Kalley has been taught to place her hope in this world and has called for prayer to resurrect her deceased child. He wants you to retaliate and lose your peace. Will you lay it all down and surrender everything? He was a guy who was the real deal. After the death of Ahaziah, her son, Athaliah usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. There will always be counterfeits and counter offers on the road of faith and constant triggers trying to pull you back into the old you or the old thing where you in bondage and silenced. People have been asking if we are mentoring and discipling in 2023 and the answer is YES! A true friend would never encourage this false hope with visions and dreams that you have had about her child who has been in the morgue for 4 days. Torment and lots of mental warfare, and I could list plenty more. Support from within the community of like-minded 'growers'. Dont stop now! Happy Jewish new year! Olive was the daughter of Bethel worship leader and songwriter, Kalley. Bill Johnson is fond of teaching mandatory healing and claims if someone is not healed, then it is their fault for a lack of faith. Christy Johnston Then this word from a year ago came up very much for right now. In the vacuum of what we need, we then try to get it in other places. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Something is coming that cant be ignored. UNDER THE RADAR This spirit has been laying under the radar because we've expected Jezebelwe know what Jezebel is like, and we know the tactics, but this spirit is different. Join us! (2 Chronicles 23:15) Cancel her access. Devastated to hear the news today of your passing . However, Bethel Church is a part of the New Apostolic Reformation, which believes they are modern-day prophets and Apostles, complete with all their power. (Source). Read the rest of the word in bio. Dont let the fake lion win when you have the roar of the lion of Judah inside you! I was working night shift at the time and barely saw Christy, was living on my own, and felt like months of being trapped with my thoughts and fears but didnt realise it was a God-ambush waiting to happen. You know who you are. Jesus did indeed defeat the grave and holds the key to resurrection power. For those who have given all for the call. Why should I fast? The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Alas, Sovereign Lord, I said, I do not know how to speak; I am too young. But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you Jeremiah 1:4-7, Last year we were travelling through the dry parts of north Arizona when we decided to walk through Antelope canyon (with a 9 month old on my shoulder). The tragedy they suffered four days ago is bad enough without compounding it with false hopes in this world. nate christy resources contact itinerary PROPHETIC WORD - YOU ARE ENTERING YOUR ESTABLISH & BUILD SEASON! On the seventh day the child died. On this new path, you cant be focused on what other people are doing and saying or you will miss what God is doing. What about the people on your old path that didntor couldntcome with you? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me., Jenn Johnson (who sees the Holy Spirit as the sneaky blue genie from Aladdin), Nesting season is coming. Roe V Wade has been overturned and the Goliath has fallen! Website crashing 10 times a day. While that also may sound harmless, it is not. The bible says that we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away., But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. Friendship with God is everything and God is calling the burned out and tired back there right now. Then we see the effects of the false word faith teachings Bethel also traffics in. The sons of Issachar(1 Chronicles 12:32) knew the times and seasons and knew what to do, and we have the ability to do the same right now. Bill Johnson (born July 18, 1951) is an American Christian minister and evangelist. Generation Z is perhaps, the most indoctrinated generation of all time with these theories attempting to captivate them from every corner. Generally we agree but not always. Close the door. Tonight I was worshipping when I saw a very clear vision of a map of the state of Texas and the Lord was hovering a magnifying glass over it. We mourn for Kalley. We pray secondarily for all of those watching this story. This means watching what we watch, what we are listening to, what advice we take on, whose calls we are answering, and what we are entertaining and letting influence us. True north check - are you following Jesus or culture? Months before I was married in 2006 I was not in a good place. Jeff mate, we are going to miss you.. In a casual walk around Bethel church offices in December of 2009, I didn't expect to be so completely impacted by something so intangible. His call is one of urgency, like a drum beating with the sounds of war whose notes are echoing out across the four corners of the earth. 10 Kristy Dr, Bethel, CT 06801 Off market Zestimate : $598,400 Rent Zestimate : $4,058 Est. Wounded warriors : The enemy will trigger wounded people around you to spew on you from their woundedness. He can see that while he thought you were out of the game God was rewiring you and preparing you for the next chapter and he is throwing all he can to get you to cave in to the noise, fear, and pandemonium. Read the full word in bio.. Not sure who this is for but this is a time to PROTECT what you hear, read, and let in. Anyone who enters the temple is to be put to death. - Hearing the new language and themes on Gods heart for the church and for the world. Who else is feeling this? It sweet talks its way into your inner circle, and then it disassembles you from the inside out. I am giving your enemies into your hands.. Deborah then prophesied a God-inspired strategy she said in Judges 4:7 then I will lure Siseras armies to fight against you at the Wadi Kishon, and I will hand him over to you. However, she then tells him, that Sisera himself will be given into the hands of a woman. Nate and his wife, Christy, have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava, and live in Redding, California. This is not a season to hide, a season to be quiet, a season to run, or a season to put your calling on the shelf for another time. Christy and I were constantly arguing for no reason. You will have to truly discern and know what you are called to do and what you arent, and be unapologetic about turning away what isnt ordained by God for you and your family. Are they freeing you and empowering you or policing you and forcing you to submit to a false sense of covering that actually lacks true Kingdom covenant connection? Such a great time to be alive. Then suddenly a flaming sword came down into the road and divided itseparating these beasts from me, so they were unable to get to me. Then I heard a voice say, "Sever the path. King Jabin appointed an evil commander of his army named Sisera who lived in Harosheth. For now, let this snippet encourage you. She massacred all the members of the royal house, murdering Ahaziahs sonsher own grandsons. I feel like its a word of hope to break through the noise of the fear mongering on the airwaves that carry zero solutions, and give some vision into the days ahead. These can include your close friends and even your family. Ground zero for the false teachings of the NAR is Bethel Church in Redding California. Earlier this week, I had a dream where I was being pursued by wild beasts and lions that were chasing after me. They are fierceness, love and strength combined. People have been asking if we are mentoring and discipling in 2023 and the answer is YES! Its coming. Village life as we have known it has been ceasing, but watch as God's Deborahs arise. Nate Gustafson. I believe to go forward the church is on a journey back to her roots, back to the church of Acts. Been such a consistent theme God is speaking. David therefore sought God on behalf of the child. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God's sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and . Nate Johnson 90 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $2.99 Releasing Prophetic Solutions: Praying Heaven's Promises Over Your Home, Family, and Nation Christy Johnston 471 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $9.99 Stolen Reality Nate Johnson 4 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $2.99 Nolan Reed Nate Johnson 35 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $2.99 First Nate Johnson 6 Not saying its been perfect or easy since that day - in fact we have had to walk through some intense seasons of God breaking strongholds and healing but its totally been worth it for the sake our our kids not having to walk out the junk we have. Then one night Christy and the girls went to bed I laid down on the lounge room floor and just bared my heart before the Lord. The sons of Issachar(1 Chronicles 12:32) knew the times and seasons and knew what to do, and we have the ability to do the same right now. Google to read the stories of those who have escaped the cult of Bethel Church the next time you think there are no victims. Why didnt you call for the glory cloud to come? I feel there's an instruction in these words from the Lord to completely sever and do away with the past season and to devote this new path and this new season to the Lord where we have a hundred percent focus on where He's leading us and what He's leading us into. I speak to people daily who love God but over the last 10 years have been falling out of love with the Church. Have you felt like you have been in a revelation drought? Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. The enemy can see that you are ripe and about to see the finish line in major promises and is freaking out right now. Link in bio. This is why many people have been experiencing unusual and unexpected warfare that they have been unable to trace and track. Walk in it!" Silenced. shearer fab intercooler review; the greens melville homes for sale Thankyou Jesus! Disarmed momentarily. In fact, quite a lot of the time they feel like failuresthings fall apart and things don't work. But Im aware that part of this process means we have to be ok with God turning over the tables we have built, turning our lives upside down, and building us from the ground up.. We are in a reformational season and a redefining hour in the church and its all hands on deck! I can hear the sling of David whirring in the air. A palm tree in the bible signifies providence, divine wisdom and intelligence from the Lord - it is an opposite way of thinking to the worlds. But I feel it - a pent up flood is coming and we are about to see a wave of righteous voices rise up and take back major ground where we were silenced in battles we were called to. I shall go to him, but he will not return to me. 2 Samuel 12:15-23, Email all comments and questions to, Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? Galatians 4:16. Season 4 - Legacy Payment Plan $160 usd Includes: Payment plan of 2 payments of $160 over 2 months. Its time to sever the ties of narcissistic upbringings and all access points the Jezebel spirit has had in your life and family. Discern the game at play and sever the ties! In this new wine season I believe God is raising up the church as a prophetic company to lead the way forward into her best days and most effective days. The greatest work before us to build the family and rebuild the kingdom culture of family again from the ground up. Focus! Their hope seems not in the eternal but in usurping the power of God to extend this life. We pray that you all have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. And I wanted to encourage those who have not found a family or tribe that we have entered a time where family is not just a theory but a reality. Tonight I was worshipping when I saw a very clear vision of a map of the state of Texas and the Lord was hovering a magnifying glass over it. Happy Jewish new year! For the full transcript of this word,. You are so close. Baraks name means lightning. I believe this speaks of fathers arising alongside mothers to defend and protect the family together - and in doing so, God will QUICKLY respond with lightning power to strike the principality of Sisera. Cut the cord! I think it's quite a normal thing for pioneers when the Lord calls them out into the deep, for them to begin to plan for a backup route or path. @christymjohnston. Nate and Christy Johnston's hearts are to disciple you through prophecy, encouragement and teaching, coupled with our online courses. God is finishing up what he started. Maybe all year? Friendship with God is everything and God is calling the burned out and tired back there right now.
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