3. Your Child, becoming the King of Martyrs, would make you their Queen. Mary, My Mother, your whole life was like a Mass. Mary, My Mother, I realize that I have not always corresponded faithfully with these graces. You did not-abandon Jesus as the apostles did; you remained with Him until He expired. But you needed the redeeming Savior to obtain this exemption, and deliverance from the universal debt of being subject to original sin. The words of Simeon were then fulfilled. Having heard the prophecy of your Son's suffering, you almost rejoiced to hear that you would share His suffering. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are full of grace. Feast, September 12 (Triduum, September 9-11). Mary, Mother of God, already in your childhood you dedicated yourself to the love and service of God. In that moment the mystery of love and mercy, promised to mankind thousands of years earlier foretold by so many prophets, desired by so many saints, was accomplished upon earth. You are indeed all-powerful in Heaven, but your omnipotence is not one of authority and command, but of intercession. Make me your faithful child. Since you are the Mother of men, God gave you a special knowledge of the needs of every Christian that you might help us to save our souls. What greater wonder could the world behold, than a woman become the Mother of God, and a God clothed in human flesh? For the first time in the public life of Jesus you appeared in the exalted character of our Advocate, a character which would be yours as long as time would last. Having deigned to come down to you, He wished to raise you up to Himself in order that you might enter into glory. Jesus gave me your own dear self, His dearest possession, whom He loved so much that He, in a sense, exhausted His power to exalt you above all other creatures. En life's dark hours you always remembered that you were God's handmaid, and you always wanted everything to be done according to His holy Will. The word compassion derives from the Latin roots cum and patior which means "to suffer with." I realize that imitating you is the best way of imitating Jesus and of obtaining your all-powerful intercession. Here there was a sacrifice, and Jesus was the Victim. The object of these feasts is the spiritual martyrdom of the Mother of God and her compassion with the sufferings of her Divine Son. 16, 26). We know that you are ever ready to be our help in trouble, our solace in affliction, our hope in despair. Mary, My Mother, the divine Motherhood meant for you deepest suffering. In the . God freed His future messenger from original sin and enriched him with grace. You became the treasurer of God's graces, the channel through which He dispenses His gifts upon earth. Mary, Mother of God, the miracle of the Marriage feast of Cana shows that you are the Mother of Divine Providence. In presenting your only Son you present your all. I believe, according to the inspired teaching of St. Paul, that there is but one Mediator between God and manyour Son Jesus. Continue to work wonders on our shores for our spiritual and material prosperity and keep us in peace and charity. Mary, Mother of God, you are more truly our Mother than any other mother by the way in which you have given us life. As Eve induced Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit which brought death upon us, so you prompt us to eat the Bread which gives us life. This is truly your spirit, as you expressed it at the Visitation: "Behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed: because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name" (Luke 1, 48). You are the most beautiful of creatures, the one in whom there is no spot, God's masterpiece. You abound in divine life for yourself; for us you abound in grace. Thus my soul in sanctifying grace is always, in a spiritual manner, like your womba sanctuary of the living God! Mary, Mother of God, humility is the virtue you especially practised from childhood. But you merited the title Co-Redemptrix above all by your union with Christ in His redemptive sacrifice. I rejoice with you in the happiness which filled your heart because of such love. You share so entirely in His Passion that, if it had been possible, you would gladly have borne all the torments your Son bore. You obtained that grace for me. What a striking lesson you give me by this unlimited confidence in the power and goodness-of your Divine Son! You are Queen because you are the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Our Lady of Treves, Italy (746). There is no sinner so spoiled and so mired in vice that you would deny him aid. You are the immaculate Virgin whom the Son Himself chose to make His Mother. This was the earliest promise of a Redeemer to come, and you were to be His immaculate Mother. You formed His feet, to search after and seek us as a Good Shepherd, His hands to heal us and to be pierced for us; and His shoulders to carry the cross. The Son will listen to you, His Mother, and the Father will listen to His Son. For vain joys or small profits people sacrifice much. Mary, Mother of God, I pour out to you the sorrows of my own troubled heart. Since 1958 and the merging of the two saint days into one celebration (known as the Cooperative Feast), the Giglio Feast has been celebrated in July, with all activities leading up to its culmination on July 16th, the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The Nativity and the Crucifixion were as one action. Altogether 24 popes have officially honored Our Lady of Guadalupe. You were troubled not at the appearance of the angel, but at what he said. At the marriage feast of Cana you asked your Son to perform a miracle for the distressed bride and groom. We can lose our divine adoption, but you can never lose your divine maternity. The privilege of the Immaculate Conception was suitable to your dignity. Joseph, so humble, so pure, so loving respected your consecration to God, and he was willing to live with you a life of spotless virginity. He took to Himself our human flesh and became man in order that He might give Himself up for us to the death of the cross. When you heard Jesus utter these words and saw Him bow His head and die, you died a spiritual death. Who would not love you and endeavor to imitate you, most beautiful and immaculate Mother of God? Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 12:00am. Your heart and His burned with one flame of love to the glory of the Father there at the altar. Mary, Mother of God, you are my Mother of Perpetual Help because of your love for me. Help us to heed your message of Fatima so that by penance and prayer, especially the Rosary, we may appease the just anger of God and obtain His forgiveness and blessing. This posture is not the one usually describing a mourner who is affected with only human grief. "Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call His name Jesus. This feast day was approved by the Holy See in 1933 and is celebrated every October 25. First of all, because of your humility you merited to be exalted above all creatures. As the seed of the serpent includes all those descendants of the first man and woman who by their sinful lives bear within them the traits of the devil, so, too, the seed of the Woman includes all who in the course of ages will take their stand with your Son, Jesus Christ, in His ceaseless conflict with the enemy of God. You heard Simeon's words as if they had been spoken to you by God Himself, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. On April 3rd, the Priestly Society of St. Pius X will have the joy of celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion for the first time in all our houses. Petition God that their hope may never fail amid the troubles and the cares of this life. The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated in parishes and neighborhoods throughout the country with Masses and dancing and celebration, . But how careless I am about my spiritual health! Mary, My Mother, as Dispenser of all graces, you make the world share in the infinite merits of the redemption. The more fully you are Queen in a soul, the more does Jesus reign there as King. 2. Mary, Mother of God, how pleasing to God was your humility! Our eyes are upraised to you in sorrow and in joy. We join you, Queen of the Holy Rosary, in praying for peace in the world. No other saint exerts such universal influence in the affair of our salvation as you do. At the mention of it, the angels rejoice and the devils tremble; through the invocation of your name, sinners obtain grace and pardon. 1. How many sinners after losing hope have found refuge in you, and, under your protection, returned to God's grace! 3. How shall I answer for the wasted days and years which God has given me to serve Him alone? It was His will that you dispense mercy by helping sinners, healing the sick, relieving the distressed and comforting the sorrowful everywhere. 11, 29). You formed His Heart, to love us, and His Precious Blood, to shed for us and to be given to us for our drink. God would work a miracle so that you might remain a virgin, and yet become the Mother of God. Not only the Mother of Mexico, but of all the Americas. We do not find you in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, when your divine Son was received with so much honor by the people. Fully acknowledging your unworthiness to be the Mother of Christ, you accepted the exalted privilege only in obedience to the divine will. Mary, My Mother, you are Queen also because your are Co-Redemptrix. Later in the public life of Jesus, you sought no attention. Moreover, I am confident that you will obtain for me. For from the moment when Jesus told you to see Him, in John, you saw Jesus in all Christians. Corruption is a consequence of sin, but you were sinless. Advise me what to do. Mary, My Mother, as often as your sweet name comes to my lips, you appear to me as a masterpiece of God's power, so perfect and so sublime that even the hand of Almighty God could not produce anything more perfect in the form of a pure creature. 2. When His head was crowned with thorns, another crown of thorns encircled your Heart. From your pure blood the Holy Spirit formed the pure Body of Jesus. The more your humility was tried, the more lowly you became in your own estimation. Paul Haffner ( Inside the Vatican, September 2004) This feast is. You "found grace with God" to restore salvation to all men. All souls belong to you and your Son. You have given us Christ that He may make us live of His life. But you are not the adoptive Mother of the Son of God; you are His real Mother. Mary, Mother of God, the glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary remind me of the glory of your Son, Jesus Christ. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of Perpetual Help because of the graces you have at your disposal. 10/7/2009 (1 decade ago) Published in Living Faith. How many afflicted hearts are consoled in you! Your offering of the bloody sacrifice of Calvary is the perfect model for my offering Holy Mass. Your directions to the waiters: "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2, 5), show that you regarded your Son's answer as a striking sign of His special love for you. You are truly the "Queen of Peace.". The three Divine Persons declared you Queen of heaven and earth and assigned to you a place at the right hand of Jesus. 1. Then for His sake, be our Help! JANUARY (click on the month to view in full detail) 3. There the poor find aid; the sick and needy, remedy, the afflicted, consolation; the doubting, counsel; the distressed, help. 3. 2. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion - Feast Day. Your dying Son declared this in His words to you from the cross, "Woman, behold thy Son." . You have given to the world the Savior whom the Apostles have proclaimed. Mary, My Mother, I am one of the murderers who slew your beloved Son, for it was my sins, together with the malice and cruelty of the Jews, which crucified Him. Like you, let me learn divine wisdom and see God in all things, so that I may rise from the creature to the great Creator. They spoke of you as His Virgin Mother and of the part you would play in the Redemption of mankind. In this I see God's plan that in the Kingdom of Jesus all graces should go through your hands and Heart. Be pleased to lead mankind securely to certain victory over Communism through the triumph of your Immaculate Heart as you promised at Fatima: "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an era of peace will be conceded to humanity.". You were dressed in your finest clothes and surrounded by your friends as you joined the procession by the light of lamps and the sound of music. The holy old man Simeon took your Son in his arms. You offered to the Father in Heaven the Body and Blood of the Lamb you bore and sacrificed Him with the knife of your will on the altar of your heart. After the birth of your Divine Son, this grace grew in splendor within you as it daily united you more closely with your God. She is forever imploring you to intercede in their behalf with Him who has clothed you with His light and His glory, and has poured out upon you the fullness of His grace. 67, 36). At the Annunciation you received Jesus on earth; it was proper that He should receive you in Heaven. Even if I have committed all possible sins, let me never lose confidence in you, for I know I shall always find your Heart filled with mercy The Son of God has His justice, but you, the Mother, have only your mercy. GLADE PARK, Colorado (Catholic Online) - The feast dedicated to "Our Lady of the Rosary" was instituted by Pope Pius V. It was to commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571.
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