However, Micro told Castle that their confrontation would be dangerous and had suggested that Castle needed to learn what had really happened first. Reyes and Batzer then stormed out the room while Nelson and Page were forced to think of a plan ready for the next week when Castle's fate would be decided. When Cooley refused to answer and mocked Castle's search for revenge, Castle killed him by shooting him point blank in the face. However, as Frank Jr. had confidently claimed that Castle had fought in the United States Marine Corps in order to kill the jihadists, Castle lost his temper and threatened his son, something he instantly regretted as he apologized to Frank Jr., holding his children close.[9]. Quinn questioned why Castle would tell her all this, to which he claimed that he wanted this relationship to be an honest one. But even though Frank Castle didn't show up in Episode 5, that doesn't mean fans of The Punisher should skip it. All you gotta do is tell him that this guy, he's got the photos and he's got the girl. Ow! Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. However, Castle was using their overconfidence to get the blade he hid under his chair, which he used to furiously stab Rawlins in the chest. Am I being an asshole here?""Yeah. You are gonna learn about pain. After that, the comic fast-forwards to three years in the future, where Punisher only has Wolverine, Captain America, and Daredevil left in his sights. The Hulk's death at the hands of The Punisher shouldn't be possible based on what we know about Bruce Banner and his green alter-ego, but Marvel's alternate universe allows for some discrepancies. In the aftermath of the fight in Central Park, Castle had then been taken back into custody by the Homeland Security and spent the next three days in Sacred Saints Hospital. Only child. Castle said that if Martin laid a finger on her, he would kill him. Pilgrim threatened Bendix, telling Castle to back up. In the third episode of the second season, Daredevil (Charlie Cox) is caught by the former Marine turned vigilante, The Punisher (Jon Bernthal) who straps the blind masked fighter to a chimney on the rooftop of a building as they fiercely argue about their different perspectives on murder and handling crime. Although they were then ordered to go into Kandahar and capture the target, Castle warned against it, believing this was a trap for Cerberus Squad, with Russo agreeing. As Madani asked him to confirm why there were no records, Castle became frustrated, as Madani already knew that. What does it change if I'm dead? As a result, Johnny had approached Castle, intending to start a fight, as he began poking at his chest. Castle then went back to the RV where he called out his name. Daredevil let Punisher shoot them dead while Punisher let Daredevil knock them out alive. Batzer confirmed the plea and announced that his bail was now denied. She told Castle to use the money to get away and do not come back. Castle put the unconscious Olin in his van to interrogate her later, but she suddenly woke up and managed to grab Castle's gun, shooting him in the arm. Finn Cooley revealed that he was leading the group and that he wanted Castle after he killed several of their members, including Nesbitt and Cooley's youngest son and taken his money. During a mission, Hoyle was attempting to save the life of a young boy, while Castle kept watch with a sniper rifle. Acting on information from Micro, Castle went to see Turk Barrett and from him, steal a shipment of weapons he supposedly got from the Greek Mob. Castle and his children then went back to the Castle Residence where he was also reunited with Maria Castle and they spent the day together, but Castle soon realized how weary he had become from all of his time being far away from his own beloved family. Fortunately, there are some alternative universes where those questions are answered. ""I infiltrate here. The two exchanged many shots. Castle and Daredevil even team-up once again, trying to take down one of the Blacksmith's drug shipments. Maybe someone with power, someone with pull, right? New York doesn't forget. Castle left the money in his van and attached a bomb to it, which would detonate if anyone attempted to move it. He talks very loud and very often.Frank Castle, Jr. and Frank Castle, Sr. During his leave from the United States Marine Corps, Castle and Billy Russo had reunited in New York City, where Castle invited Russo to join him as he took his family for a day out at Central Park. Madani asked Castle to admit that he had witnessed everything that had happened to Zubair, while he confirmed that it was Rawlins who gave these orders, with Castle commented that there was already the video, that Gunner Henderson recorded that showed Zubair's torture and execution, admitting that the video had damned all of them. Matt serves has his lawyer and takes his side on several occasions. He hid behind a storage container, using an enemy's ammo before killing that person. When Marvel TV decided to introduce Castle on Daredevil in 2016, the producers faced a much more difficult task. Frank, as part of the NYPD SWAT team, shows up to find the park destroyed and his wife and child killed. However, before Castle could continue to berate Bendix, he noticed that she had ordered pizza and became distracted, while Bendix had questioned what things had gone at Kazan's Gym. I'm getting the bullet. Castle proceeded to punch the agent repeatedly, ending his life by pushing his thumbs into his eyes. He asked Russo to evacuate Ori and leave Wilson for him to deal with. No, Daredevil escapes Frank's trap and beats him, but then has to fight the Dogs of Hell in that epic hallway fight. Before she could drive away, the Larkville Police Department would arrive and put Castle and Olin, was put under custody. As Bendix cried, Castle reloaded his gun and demanded that Hoyle give him the keys to his car. Upon waking, Castle demanded that the nearby George Bach take him back to his home, away from the hospital, which Bach did. When he didn't show, the gangs began shooting and Castle's family was caught in the crosshairs. Micro then informed him that he pinged both Wilson and Hoyle's cellphone at O'Connor's apartment, forcing Castle to head there. Bernthal also. Schultz said that was him, but he did not find any relevance in this case. Civil war really couldve dug into this if there were more movies involved in it, but instead the one movie approach was chosen. He took his first shots at the Dogs of Hell, ambushing a small team of them and massacring them all, including Smitty. Upon finishing his work at the construction site, Castle would return to his small apartment and ready Moby Dick, the novel which had been lent to him by Curtis Hoyle as a way to cope with the stress of his own mind, although Castle found himself struggling to focus on reading it. While Bendix shuffled the cards, she asked Castle if he was an assassin for Homeland Security, which Castle denied, while also noting that the name Punisher was not one he chose for himself, before he failed at Bendix's game again, much to Castle's considerable frustration. However, Castle had then turned onto WHiH World News, as he had then watched the reporting all about Russo's recent escape from the Sacred Saints Hospital, with the reporter noting that Russo was likely armed and dangerous, as Castle stared at the image of Russo on the screen, as he considered what his next actions would really be. ""I don't know what to call you, seems stupid to call you Pete. Prove it; prove you don't need me anymore. Once they were gone, Castle waited for Chaney and Speed to get close to him before he charged forward firing his gun, shooting Chaney twice in the gut before dodging Speed's shotgun blast. Castle tried to take cover despite being cuffed to the roof of the van. However, they were then interrupted by a knock at the door, as both Castle and Bendix hid inside the bedroom while Madani opened the door to Brett Mahoney, who had come over to ask Madani if she had stolen Russo's Journal from Sacred Saints Hospital, which she had denied. With seemingly all the gangs destroyed who had been involved in the terrible Massacre at Central Park root and stem, as well as all of the individuals such as Dutton and Ray Schoonover also now deceased, Castle believed that his family had finally been avenged once and for all. Cooley continued to demand all of his stolen money back and when Castle reminded him of his son's death at his hands, which resulted in Cooley furiously losing his temperament as he then began beating Castle, questioning if his killing spree was simply his attempt to find some form of retribution. Castle and Bendix then stepped out, as Castle said he would have shower, sarcastically asking if that was alright, as Bendix commented that she would not watch, which Castle scoffed at. Ain't nothing Bill, ain't nothing. One night, Lisa pleaded with her father to read her favorite bedtime story 'Penny & Dime', but the emotionally exhausted Castle promised that he would do so the next night. You know why I can't.David Lieberman and Frank Castle. I don't work with Russians.Nikolai Poloznev and Punisher. At Larkville County Sheriff Station, Castle was going under the name "Pete" has no file, no known address, nothing. However, Castle knew that his attacker was not a criminal and when he finally got the upper hand and managed to pull out his gun, as Castle shot Daredevil in the helmet. However, he did not confront Castle. Before long, Castle finally managed to find his perfect shot and took aim at Grotto. Pilgrim used this opportunity to hit Castle with a shovel. He continued his analysis of Castle, asking if he was born in New York, but Castle only mocked his efforts. Castle made Grotto admit how he had murdered a man and an old woman under the orders of the Kitchen Irish. While Castle stayed calm, Johnny smashed a beer bottle and had then attempted to use it as a weapon to stab Castle, although he was able to easily avoid his attack. Taking Bendix's advice, Castle then lowered the shotgun, telling Clive that this was his lucky day, as he and Bendix proceeded to leave him bleeding on the floor. Russo proceeded to place a gun to Castle's head, leading to Rawlins to pull out his handgun, ordering Russo to step away and not take away his revenge, stating that Castle owed him an eye. Never cease to amaze, Madani. Castle had then listened while Micro theorized that they could shoot them down from there, and questioned if his wife and son were already dead, to which Castle then reassured him that they were clearly needed alive. I'm happy that it's you. This led him to brutally torture Rawlins to death, prolonging his suffering for as long as possible in stark contrast to swiftly murdering the Blacksmith with a headshot when Castle also had the opportunity to torture him for his family's death. Instead of answering her questions, Castle simply told Bendix to take Madani's bedroom, while he would be sleeping on the couch. As he went to the fridge to get them his beers, Hoyle complained that they never met up in Florida to go fishing like normal friends, with Castle simply noting that he did not know how to fish, despite Hoyle's attempts to convince him and Castle note that he went fishing with dynamite. Castle then realized Schultz was not behind the deaths, in fact he had no idea. Castle took up his position outside of Kazan's Gym, where he waited for several hours, until Kazan and other members from their Russian Mafia arrived. She offered Castle the chance to participate in the CIA mission to do what he does best, but Castle refused to work with her, making Madani deal with her problems by herself. Castle immediately barged in and punched Schultz square in the face before closing the door. ""You sure about that? With the Russian momentarily stunned, the Punisher did not hesitate in hitting him twice more across the face, while turning to Kazan and questioning if he wanted to talk with him now. Castle had then managed to break inside Barrett's car and then waited for him to lock up his Shop, as Barrett stepped inside of his car and noticed Castle there, much to Barrett's frustrations. Reyes and Judge Cynthia Batzer were brought into Castle's hospital room alongside Nelson, Page and several armed guards. Madani then yelled for Castle to stop as she thought he had gone too far. Castle got even more mad, putting the gun to her face and demonstrating what would happen if she sneaked up on someone again. Linello's in Little Italy. But like on the page, the death of Castle's loved ones will forever drive him. Castle then ran out of the room, telling Bendix to take cover. Castle then suspected that Lewis Wilson from Hoyle's support group was the bomber on the radio and had Micro look up his address. Castle ran out to the garage and saw the car leaving. Castle had then instead noted how Bendix had come back into there when she did not have to, which she confirmed, as the pair stood in silence for a moment. I'm gonna take all the breath out of your lungs, out of your lungs, until you can barely whisper and the last word out of your mouth is gonna be 'please, please, please'.William Rawlins to Frank Castle. The Punisher Reveals Why Frank Castles Family Was Really Killed, The Punisher: What You Need to Know From Daredevil Season 2, Things You Completely Missed In The Punisher, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, Cobra Kai Ending With Season 6 Wasn't Netflix's Decision, Says Creator, It's True, Matt Smith's Post-Doctor Who Success Breaks A 60-Year Trend. Yeah?""Yeah. Despite Chavez's efforts to strike up a friendship as they discussed his career in the United States Marine Corps and Chavez family, Castle still kept his distance, not wishing to hurt Chavez if the truth was ever exposed about all the secrets which Castle had been hiding. Bendix had knocked on the door, as Clive looked through a peephole in the door and had immediately refused to allow Castle in. The Punisher then stepped inside the room and checked that Bendix was okay, before looking at Anderson Schultz, who was now frozen in horror upon seeing his wife get shot in the head, with the Punisher noting that he was going to offer them both a choice, but Eliza clearly made hers. How did we get here? In order to track down Sergei Konchevsky, Castle had sought out the assistance of Turk Barrett. Punisher is an interesting case in the Marvel Universe. Every morning I look for 'em, Bill. Furthermore, if Micro will try to contact him again, then Castle will visit Sarah again.[9]. The task force participated in the operation, specializing in nightly raids for the purpose of kidnapping, interrogating, and then executing high value targets of the United States of America, with the squad quickly becoming known as the American Taliban. When Madani had noted that they had both trusted Russo, she claimed it this could be the real reason why Castle had also failed to kill him, although Castle insisted that killing Russo would have been too easy for him, which Madani doubted was the reason. Castle complied as Pilgrim left with the hostage. When Castle hung up, he got a call from Bendix, who was in fact not with Pilgrim. So Castle attacked a base for the Dogs of Hell, massacring almost all the members inside the base with his shotgun and taking control of one of the trucks to be used in his plan. They began shooting at the truck, killing the man, while they were still unaware of Castle's true location as he continued to watch the entire event unfolding just as he had planned. The Punisher season 1, The scene where the punisher finally learns the truth why his family was killed. Castle then picked up the phone and saw the note attached to it, telling him not disappoint Micro. The generator fries Wolverine to bits. Years later, this slight along with the release of footage by Micro leads Schoonover, Rawlins, and the higher-ups of Cerberus to tie up loose ends and sanction the killing of Frank Castle. Frank promises to talk to Dinah. Castle had ordered Barrett to go to these Russians and tell Konchevsky that he had something he needed from Chicago, although Barrett initially refused to go anywhere near the Russians. Later, Bendix texted him the location of where she was. Castle would meet Karen again to get information on "Micro." He was taken on a stretcher and moved to an ambulance for treatment for his life-threatening injuries while the city's news reporters gathered around and photographed the now infamous Punisher being arrested by the police. Suddenly, he heard explosions, but kept moving into a very dark room. He also enjoys reading and goes through books at a fast pace. Hoyle got Castle to stop yelling and got mad at Castle for his outburst. Castle then confronted Fisk for attempting to have him killed after murdering Dutton, but Fisk explained that since Castle's survival he had made a new plan involving him since he was impressed by his violent nature. As all these images flashed in front of his face, the Punisher focused on the cries of desperation from Carl and Hayley and then continued to attempt to find Russo on board the Carousel. Make my way to Bennett's quarters, which are here. As the Punisher sat with Madani and held her head in his lap, he had heard the sound of the New York City Police Department coming to their location, but made no attempt to escape. Rawlins proceeded to slap Castle around and punch him repeatedly while the latter mocked him. When Nelson asked Schoonover to describe Castle, he told the jury that Castle was a man who would gladly give his life to protect others and was a hero. Eventually, Frank pulls out a sonic pistol and aims it at Venom. Thing went on to join forces with the Hulk, but escaped the battle that cost Captain America his life. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. Walking through the Hideout to inspect all of the bodies, the Punisher found a wounded man attempting to crawl away, as the Punisher had removed his helmet and mask to check his identity and, when he had confirmed it was not Russo, proceeded to shoot him in the face. Kazan questioned if Punisher had killed Sergei Konchevsky, which he denied and asked the same question back, although Kazan insisted that Konchevsky was his nephew and he would have never hurt him. Angered over this, Madani told Castle that he had twenty four hours to leave the city, before she stormed out. ""What if I was? He's, like, a total creep, but it still seems a bit borderline, even for you. Castle and Bendix began their plan. Castle paused and asked how old his daughter was: seventeen. [9], I'm Pete, by the way. However, the pair were interrupted as Ray Schoonover entered their tent to order them to come for a mission briefing. Season 2 of Daredevil offered a mini origin story for The Punisher, but his solo series finally reveals why Frank Castle's family was killed. However, just as Castle got to the front door, he noticed Rex Quinn playing in the living room, as he reassured Rex that his mother was upstairs. Outside of the mission, Castle does have other interests and even a certain sense of fun, such as playing guitar. After an extensive, prolonged gunfight, Russo's failure to kill Castle prompted him to escape with the rest of his crew, as he was not willing to be arrested. Thing is, every time I try to be someone different, that's when the wrong people get hurt.Punisher to Amy Bendix. Getting his mind back on the mission, Punisher checked through his rifle scope and discovered that Russo had kidnapped Carl and Hayley and tied them to the horses, with wounds that they were bleeding heavily from. [15], You took a bullet to the head and you're still kicking. Castle rushed back to the trailer to get Schultz, but found both he and Curtis Hoyle gone, probably Hoyle's doing. As they stood outside the building, Castle then suggested that he could kick the door down, although Bendix commented on the size of the door and that he would be unable to. ""I don't. Castle then raised his gun to Poloznev, who understood how Castle worked. As Micro had still doubted their plans, Castle then ordered him not to have any second thoughts, telling him to quiet down his thoughts.
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