3) MovementDevelopment proposals must create or enable sustainable connections to destinations, places and communities, both within the site and beyond its boundaries. Also, you told us that we need to continue with our long-standing commitment to target support towards those who are most vulnerable, disadvantaged or disconnected from our services by whatever means. South Gloucestershire Councils Planning Performance Agreement Charter (pdf), Hinkley C Connections Project Examining Authority Report to the Secretary of State (pdf). However we believe the assessment will focus on the key criteria below: Local access to key services and facilities and their accessibility by walking and cycling; Proximity, frequency and access to public transport with connections to key facilities and locations (Bus and Metrobus and Rail); and Existing and potential parking management issues and solutions within the area. In order to address this, South Gloucestershire Council will encourage developers to enter into Planning Performance Agreements (PPA) and/or Service Level Agreements (SLA), appropriate to each project. A set of short videos explaining the preparation of, and how you can get involved in shaping our new Local Plan 2020 for South Gloucestershire. Access to homes, jobs and services should be promoted and enhanced through the design process. High quality and fast digital infrastructure will be expected in new development, the expectation and criteria of which will be contained in a proposed new policy Digital Connectivity & Broadband, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. You need to pay in advance using the online payment system. Mineral Extraction, Working and Restoration, 11. In order to deliver on these objectives, to inform consultation responses and seek efficiency of working and common ground, the Council will: Take a collaborative partnership approach on NSIPs, working with scheme promoters local communities and relevant Government agencies, statutory undertakers, public bodies non statutory organisations and other neighbouring local authorities in seeking to ensure that the socio economic, environmental and transport benefits and legacy of the project are maximised and negative impacts minimised and/or compensated for. This is also supported by existing information on vehicles ownership and use in South Gloucestershire gathered through the 2011 census, however it is recognised that this was gathered nine years ago and a new census is due in 2021. The Council proposes that developments within the urban zone (seen on the indicative map below) must submit a SGC Accessibility Assessment. Joint Local Transport Plan | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council Joint Local Transport Plan Transport planning is led by the West of England Combined Authority working with the four. We have a strong track record of managing our finances and achieving savings, whilst continuing to deliver high quality, value for money services. For non-residential development, regulated energy use only is required to be reduced by 100%. The Council declared a Climate Emergency on 17th July 2019, which included a pledge to provide the leadership to enable South Gloucestershire to become carbon neutral by 2030, and also to enable our communities to achieve 100% clean energy across all sectors. To answer these questions visit our online consultation page at www.southglos.gov.uk/localplan2020-feedback to complete or download our questionnaire. The site includes Lagoon 3, which formerly provided open water habitat for birds associated with the estuary designations. We want to work together to raise ambition, open new learning pathways and ultimately drive up attainment and opportunity for all of these children. Below are some of the key changes that will influence a new approach. Since the disposal of radioactive waste on site is likely to constrain future land uses and activities and result in the need for security/regulation, waste management or disposal proposals should form an integral part of master planning for decommissioning of the site at Oldbury. Action must be taken in all sectors of society and at all levels locally, nationally and globally to mitigate, and adapt to, the impacts of climate change. Our values underpin all that we do and how we work. Topic-based policies shape the quality, type and way we build new types of development. A core group of Stroud District, Men from the least deprived areas live five years longer and women live over six years longer than those living in the most deprived areas. But please see the Building a Strategy, Urban Lifestyles section for potential approaches which may involve places in the East Fringe, CS30 Yate and Chipping Sodbury CS31 North Yate new neighbourhood, Draft policy not yet available. Mechanisms therefore need to be put in place to accommodate flexibilities while also ensuring that mitigation measures can be adapted or modified to address any impacts arising from those changes. We would like your feedback on whether we have provided the correct range of policies that we will need in the future to guide development and create exceptional places and spaces within existing and new communities. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The scale and massing of the built form relates to the site and the local character surrounding the development, with minimal amenity impacts relating to overlooking, over-shadowing and over-bearing issues; b) Construction materials are locally distinctive, complementary when viewed as a collection, and appropriate for their use and function, with a focus on robustness and a positive visual appearance over time; c) The arrangement and design of windows (the fenestration) is visually attractive, balanced and functional. Go back to the Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches document landing page. Local Plan 2020: Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) To support production of our new Local Plan 2020 and provide evidence for adopted policies (CS8 and. 26. Have your say on proposals to improve sustainable travel between Thornbury and Bradley Stoke. Locations which are highly accessible and provided with public transport options, and close to employment, shops and services, are being investigated as part of this process. A character and context appraisal should be provided within the design and access statement to support a planning application, and to show how the local context has been considered and taken into account in the design of the development. d) An appropriate level of space and facilities are provided and designed into the development for the sorting and storage of recyclable waste materials, the composting of household waste, and the collection of these and other waste materials; and. . NDA Radioactive Waste Strategy Figure 2 explains the Waste Hierarchy: preferred approach is prevention, then minimisation, then reuse, then recycle and disposal only when necessary. The criteria and expectations in relation to the use of resources, materials and re-use of buildings will be contained in a proposed new policy Sustainable Design and Construction, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. They should make sufficient provision for: They also provide a clear starting point for more detailed non-strategic policies that are needed to address a wide range of issues. It should set out the overall parameters for the future evolution of the site, including: a) The existing, interim and end states for the site,:b) An outline phasing and timetable for worksc) The location and scale of existing and proposed structures, buildings, voids, boundary treatments and any proposals for their retention or modification,d) Demolition proposals both above and below ground;e) Proposals for new or changed earthworks, hardstanding or changes to land use and /or external appearance, including restoration where buildings are removed;f) Any locations, proposals and protection measures for onsite waste treatment, management and/or disposal of all types;g) The design approaches for new and altered buildings, structures and open areas,h) Strategic landscape and biodiversity proposals, including the management and or restoration of the mosaic of semi-natural and Priority Habitats for the benefit of protected Species across the Magnox estate, including the reinstatement of Lagoon 3 as open water for birds species associated with the estuary. For the latest updates check our consultation page. After consultation with a scheme promoter and other relevant parties and as appropriate to the scale of development proposed, prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide more detailed and/or site specific guidance to inform the Councils: i. pre-and post-application engagement and consultation responses;ii. Housing developments must be tenure blind/inclusive, with the same attention to detail and use of high-quality materials and boundary treatments used in affordable housing provision as market housing. However, if unforeseen changes in the project occur, such as a delay in the provision of supporting infrastructure, these peak numbers may be sustained over a longer period of time. Clauses 2 and 3 of the policy set out specific on-site requirements. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? An explanation as to how any necessary Environmental Impact Assessment requirements will be met and Habitats Regulations compliance achieved, should accompany the strategic masterplan and individual proposals for the site. Through the likes of the innovation cluster that identifies as the South Gloucestershire Tec Arc, through the emergence of unique leisure experiences in the North Fringe, through our market towns and rural tranquillity, but also our transport and digital connectivity; we have virtues that we are keen to promote. Non-strategic policies deal with detailed matters, like locational principles and place specific requirements. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Some areas have relatively poor access to higher level job opportunities, and low-level attainment and skills. Proposals for development where the primary function utilises, promotes or perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels, are considered to be in conflict with the policy and will not be acceptable. Associated development is likely to include a range of both permanent and temporary works and facilities such as: Flood defences for the site and the surrounding area; Transport infrastructure including road, sea, and potentially rail; Construction worker accommodation / facilities; Modifications to the electricity transmission infrastructure; Training facilities, a visitor/ reception centre and off-site emergency facilities; Extensive landscape, visual and biodiversity mitigation areas. Area Specific: Rural Communities, Villages and Settlements, 70. Our new Council Plan 2020 sets out how we will build on and deliver this vision, highlighting: This is your Council Plan. In its role either as determining authority for planning applications, or as consultee for applications to other bodies, the Council will take into consideration the nature, scale, extent and potential impact of any development proposal, and seek to ensure that: Development proposals align where relevant with the West of England Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and make a positive contribution to the delivery of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, the Joint Local Transport Plan and other supporting and/or relevant plans and strategies, including neighbourhood plans; and, A strategic and integrated approach is taken to the location, planning, design, phasing and delivery of NSIPs and their associated infrastructure and/or development so that it maximises positive social, economic and environmental outcomes, minimises negative impacts, and secures appropriate community and legacy benefits, and.
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