FALSE: Members of the Oromia Special Forces betrayed and did not join the Oromo Liberation Front.
Oromia Police have dismissed the accusation.
A Facebook post made by a page with more than 6,147 followers, Write the Amharic version titled “Some 1,287 members of the Oromia Special Forces have joined the Oromo Liberation Army (OLF) in the Finfine area around Jeldu, armed with several vehicles, saying they will not take part in the “Minilik campaign”.

Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) was a military wing of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) which is claimed to split later on May 1, 2021. OLA, addressed by the Ethiopian Government as “Shane”, is designated as ‘Terrorist by the parliament. OLA is alleged to target civilians with human rights violations and gruel atrocities, especially in the East Wollega zone of the Oromia Regional State.
In August OLA announced its alliance with the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF), which has been fighting the Ethiopian government since Nov 2020.
The current regional president of Oromia Regional State, Shimels Abdisa said, “Oromia government has started organizing the security forces in a new form to ensure the peace and security of people in the region.”
Arts TV received a call from the Oromia Police office. According to the officer,” This is nothing more than a rumor that the Oromia Special Forces did not take part in the current fighting in the North Shoa region of Amhara State. Our special forces are serving the Oromo people, so it is a lie to betray them”.
Arts tv has investigated Facebook members of the Oromia Special Forces who have joined the Oromo Liberation Army (OLF). To be FALSE.
This fact-check was written by an Arts Tv fact-checker Kindalem Mesfin.